Bignonia capreolata
Bignonia capreolata is a climbing, well behaved woody vine that can eventually become 50 ft. long if allowed to "climb free". The showy, orange-red, trumpet-shaped flowers of Cross Vine are about 2 inches long and 1 1/2 inches across and they hang in clusters of two to five. They are sometimes seen high in tree canopies, as the vine climbs by means of tendrils. Claws at the end of its tendrils allow crossvine to cling to stone, bricks and fences without support. Leaves are opposite, 4–6 inches long by 2 inches wide, with a third leaflet modified into a tendril. Persistent, glossy, semi-evergreen leaves change from dark green in summer to reddish-purple in winter.
The flowers can be quite variable, sometimes with yellow throats.
Prices listed are subject to change, based upon size change and availability.
We are a small local nursery with limited shipping capability. We will do our best to ship smaller material (usually 1 or 2 gallon), although we can sometimes ship larger plants with the pots removed.
We have some species that are not listed, as we have too few of them to make a full listing plausible. You can always inquire.
We will consider contract growing an order with appropriate advance notice and availability of seed, cuttings or lining out stock.