Matteuccia struthiopteris
Matteuccia struthiopteris is known as the the Ostrich Fern or Shuttlecock Fern. It is a tall crown and colony-forming fern, occurring in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in eastern and northern Europe.
It is a real stunner in the garden, due to its size and stately appearance. Plant this in places where it remains relatively shaded and moist, where it can provide a visual focal point, either with a water feature, statuary, or next to a springhouse or shaded trellis.
The Ostrich Fern, along with Cinnamon Fern, are the most commonly harvested fiddleheads in the northeast. Word has it that hese two large-sized native ferns yield the most delicious fiddleheads in the vernal forest. They are reputed to taste a bit like asparagus, but sweeter and a little more earthy.
Prices listed are subject to change, based upon size change and availability.
We are a small local nursery with limited shipping capability. We will do our best to ship smaller material (usually 1 or 2 gallon), although we can sometimes ship larger plants with the pots removed.
We have some species that are not listed, as we have too few of them to make a full listing plausible. You can always inquire.
We will consider contract growing an order with appropriate advance notice and availability of seed, cuttings or lining out stock.